Leah Emery

LeahEmery08Yesterday, Juxtapoz published a short feature (with gallery) on the wonderful work of Brisbane-based artist Leah Emery. According to the article, Emery “was working for a video game developer when some explicitly pornographic spam kept skipping past her email filters. She was drawn to it, but wasn’t sure how she wanted to incorporate it into her art until she decided to start experimenting with cross stitching.” With her pieces, “a striking incongruity arises between the traditionally domestic, feminine art of needlework and the explicit realm of pornography.” More at Juxtapoz and Sullivan + Strumpf.





James W

James is body piercer, studio owner, writer, editor, and lecturer. He is the founder and owner of Infinite Body Piercing, Inc., and the primary writer and editor for infinitebody.com. He enjoys exploring the intersection of sex, media, politics, and the larger culture. He lives in Philadelphia.

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